The sapphire has been a popular gemstone for centuries, connected with royalty thanks to its elegant color. The stone originates from the corundum mineral and is regarded as the most valuable and adored gemstone.
As experts, with over ten years in the industry, we at Gem Bleu are here to hello you get to know this gemstone a little better: -
Color -
Sapphires are widely recognized for their deep blues, however, it isn't their only color. They range from pinks and yellows to greens and purple – due to impurities. This doesn’t diminish the stone in any way, in fact, these are referred to as “Fancy Sapphires”. A White sapphire is colorless and devoid of impurities. Be it sapphire pendants or sapphire engagement rings, which are becoming quite popular, the color and transparency matter.

Here are a few things you must take into consideration when considering sapphire jewelry: -
It refers to the amount of color present in the gem - a colorless stone will have very little to no saturation, while one with a high saturation level will be very vibrant. This is a great way to determine the quality of the gem, especially when buying a sapphire engagement ring or a gorgeous sapphire pendant necklace.

There is a huge difference between the saturation and tone of a sapphire. Tone refers to the lightness or darkness of a stone, whereas, saturation refers to its opacity. Tone helps you understand how light or dark the color present is in the stone.
Hue refers to the color of a stone. Sapphires come in many colors and the presence of natural elements give each stone a particular hue. This way you can choose one that you or your partner would love the most.

Design and cut
The most popular cuts for sapphire are oval, round, and cushion, since sapphires are dichroic stones (their color varies based on the angle from which it is viewed). Viewing the gemstone from one direction, most blue sapphires appear blue to violet-blue; from another angle, they will appear slightly greenish blue, making the designs and cut very important. At Gem Bleu, our expert artisans design and create stunning pieces with precise cutting to ensure that a sapphire’s shape looks even and sits beautifully.
For those who want a little more information, here are a few FAQs that will help: -
1) How hard are sapphires?
Answer - Sapphire are relatively hard, ranking 9 on the Mohs hardness scale.
2) Are the mineral compositions of sapphire and ruby the same?
Answer - Yes. They are both formed with a class of minerals called corundum.
3) Which type has the highest value?
Answer - Deep blue sapphires followed by yellow and pink have been known to have the highest value.
Now that you’re better acquainted with this fabulous gemstone, visit our website for great deals on sapphire jewelry. We offer a lifetime warranty on each piece and 30-day day returns if you want to get a piece resized. We are at your service.